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Nightcliff Oval changeroom proposal
Consultation has concluded

Thanks for having your say Darwin! The engagement report, including public comments, is available here.
City of Darwin recently completed an engagement process to capture the community’s views on a proposal by AFL NT to construct a new change room complex at Nightcliff Oval.
There was an outstanding response to the engagement process with 218 responses from key stakeholders and community members submitted via the Engage Darwin website.
Respondents included peak sporting body representatives, sportspersons who play at the oval, spectators, frequent social users and residents.
The majority of survey responses expressed a positive sentiment. Key feedback in support of the proposal centred around the need for updated and modern facilities, appropriate amenities for non-male players, facilities that were large enough to accommodate multiple teams at once and that could contribute to improving community spirit.
The engagement report has been presented to the Council for approval, once this process has taken place, an update on the project will be confirmed and made public.
AFL NT is proposing the construction of a new fit-for-purpose, four-room changeroom complex at Nightcliff Oval to better support users of the oval.
The proposed facility aims to:
- create gender neutral facilities that support the demand of user groups
- create opportunity to develop partnerships with other community groups to use the space
- increase sporting activities participation
- create a safe and enjoyable space for participants, promoting inclusivity and equity
- provide a welcoming environment for spectators and volunteers.
Concept design for the proposed facility includes:
- Four change rooms
- Two accessible toilets
- Two trainers’ rooms
- Medical room
- Office
- Canteen and storeroom
Council has provided in-principle support to AFL NT for the proposal however this support is subject to engagement with the community.
Community engagement process closes 3pm Monday 5 February 2024.
Share your thoughts by completing the survey below.