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Switching on Darwin
Consultation has concluded

City of Darwin, in partnership with the Australian Government and NT Government, is delivering a range of smart technologies to enhance community life through a $10M project called Switching on Darwin.
A smart city uses data and digital technology to make better decisions and improve the quality of life. Smart cities are using sensors, real time information, Wi-Fi networks, online services, mobile applications, data collection and analysis, innovation programs and digital connectivity.
Most importantly, smart cities aren't just about technology, they are about how well that technology is used to make a city a better place to live.
To achieve this we need your input to answer questions like the following:
- How can we make our Darwin lifestyle even better?
- How can we make interactions with Council even simpler and easier?
- What would help you moving around the city?
- What issue or challenge in Darwin would you like to see solved?
We're committed to making life in Darwin even better by listening to community ideas.
GovHack 2018
We've loved all the great ideas and the community ideas that inspired Council's topic at GovHack 2018 were:
- Infrastructure on the Esplanade shared path that detects your movements and play music suited to your style/mood to encourage or relax you
- Interactive timers at the entrances to the Damoe-Ra Park stairs to promote competitive exercise and record PB's
Congratulations to 'Smitna87' for winning the $100 gift card for these suggestions. Find out more about Council's GovHack themes and what the Darwin hackers produced:
City of Darwin GovHack themes and Darwin Submissions
Keep sharing your ideas for how we can make Darwin an even better place to live.
Do you have any questions about smart cities or Switching on Darwin? Ask us and we'll get back to you soon.