Play Space Strategy 2022-2030

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Consultation has concluded

City of Darwin is planning for the future of Darwin’s play and active recreation spaces.

A draft Play Space Strategy 2022-2030 has been prepared, setting out a framework to provide an accessible network of play and active recreation spaces to encourage active living for all ages and abilities.

Our vision is to provide and maintain vibrant outdoor spaces that support children, youth, families and adults to recreate, have fun and participate in creative play and physical activity.

Play and active recreation spaces include traditional playgrounds and sites such as basketball courts, tennis courts and exercise stations. For the purpose of

City of Darwin is planning for the future of Darwin’s play and active recreation spaces.

A draft Play Space Strategy 2022-2030 has been prepared, setting out a framework to provide an accessible network of play and active recreation spaces to encourage active living for all ages and abilities.

Our vision is to provide and maintain vibrant outdoor spaces that support children, youth, families and adults to recreate, have fun and participate in creative play and physical activity.

Play and active recreation spaces include traditional playgrounds and sites such as basketball courts, tennis courts and exercise stations. For the purpose of this consultation, it does not include ovals, swimming pools or bike paths.

Across the Darwin municipality, City of Darwin currently provides the following play and active recreation spaces:


How many


124 locations

Basketball Courts

9 locations

Exercise Stations

17 locations across 11 parks

Public Tennis Courts

8 courts across 3 locations

Skate Parks

1 location

The map below shows the location of these play and active recreation spaces.

We want to hear from you

City of Darwin is seeking your feedback on current use, preferences and local knowledge of Darwin’s play and active recreation spaces, to help us understand what is most important to the community.

The draft strategy can be viewed in the Document section.

Information stalls also will be at the following locations to give people an opportunity to discuss the draft strategy and provide feedback:

  • Saturday 24 September, 9-11am, Lake Alexander Playground/East Point Exercise Station
  • Monday 26 September, 10am-12pm, Holzerland Park, Malak
  • Monday 26 September, 4-6pm, Bicentennial Park Play Space
  • Wednesday 28 September, 5-7pm, Jingili Water Gardens & Skate Park

You can also provide feedback by:

  • Completing the survey below
  • Sharing your ideas through the Ideas tab below

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this consultation.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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