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Darwin 2030 City for People, City of Colour
Consultation has concluded

We are proud and excited to present the City of Darwin Darwin 2030 City for People, City of Colour. This ten year strategic plan brings together a vision for the future of the municipality.
The journey to develop Darwin 2030 City for People, City of Colour has included engagement with approximately 80 community members over two weekends in mid 2018. We then undertook targeted discussions with government agencies and key business organisations prior to releasing this draft for wider comment.
Council fulfills a number of important roles in being responsive to the needs, interests and aspirations of the community. Council can be a provider, funder, regulator, partner, facilitator or an advocate. These roles are identified through the following framework in the Strategic Plan:
City for People, City of Colour
We will work with the community and partners, provide leadership, and deliver services that create opportunities to enhance economic, cultural and environmental sustainability for the City of Darwin.
Diversity and Acceptance - Embrace our identity through building on our multicultural and local heritage, creating a sense of belonging
Choice of Lifestyle - Maintain our unique laid-back lifestyle, through a connected, active and safe community
Environment - Integrated long term planning, including sustainable and renewable energy resources, recycling and economically sound initiatives
Sense of Community - Recognise, enhance and celebrate our identity through active participation with the community
Equality - Leadership that adopts and maintains collaborative and transparent decision making, involving listening and responding to the community as a whole
Strategic Directions
A capital city with best practice and sustainable infrastructure
A safe, liveable and healthy city
A cool, clean and green city
A smart and prosperous city
A vibrant and creative city
Each Strategic Direction has Targets and Strategic Actions to deliver to achieve the vision for Darwin in 2030.
Read the Darwin 2030 City for People, City of Colour strategic plan
Have your say:
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Phone: 8930 0300