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Chapel Lane Revitalisation
Consultation has concluded

Project Update
Thanks for helping us turn spaces into places by having your say, Darwin.
City of Darwin has developed a detailed design for the Chapel Lane Revitalisation project, which aims to improve access to West Lane Arcade, The Galleria and surrounding businesses.
Prior to developing the developing the detailed design, City of Darwin ran an engagement process from 21 August 2023 – 8 September 2023 to seek feedback on the design priorities for the revitalisation of Chapel Lane.
Around 71 community members and stakeholders shared their views, the top three priorities for design features were shade and urban cooling, enabling alfresco dining and activating the laneway at night-time. All responses received during the engagement period were compiled in a report and provided to the Council for their consideration. The engagement report, including public comments, is available on the City of Darwin website, and we’ve also uploaded the report to this page for easier access.
City of Darwin engaged RPS to create the detailed design for the redeveloped space, which was informed by the feedback received through the engagement process. The design includes revitalising the laneway and the nearby carpark adjacent to Mitchell Street.
The redevelopment will also include:
• Creation of pedestrian plaza to encourage people to eat and meet
• Cooling the area through plantings
• Replacing hard surfaces with soft landscape
• Activation of the space and creating a sense of openness that supports enhanced public safety and security and allows passive and active surveillance
• Additional lighting and wayfinding
• Inclusion of smart city infrastructure to provide free Wi-Fi, movement, and environmental sensors, which will provide data for decision making.
This project is funded by the Northern Territory Government as part of the Darwin City Deal. It aligns with the Laneways and Small Streets Action Plan, which aims to transform our laneways and small streets from spaces to vibrant, safe, and attractive places. The revitalisation of Chapel Lane will further position Darwin as a vibrant and liveable tropical capital city.
Construction on the Chapel Lane redevelopment Stage 1 is scheduled to commence in mid-2024 and be completed by mid-2025.