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Consultation has concluded
City of Darwin intends to introduce new By-laws to replace the Darwin City Council By-laws 1994. The proposed new By-laws will modernise the existing By-laws ensuring they reflect the Council’s and residents’ current views and expectations.
A comprehensive community consultation process was undertaken in April of 2021. All feedback received was used to inform and develop the most recent draft of the proposed By-laws.
The proposed new By-laws will regulate:
Animal management including responsible ownership of dogs and cats, dangerous dogs, seizure and impounding of dogs and cats and prohibitions on keeping livestock and other animals within the Council area.
Health and safety including waste and recycling, fires and unsafe behaviour.
Council meetings including procedural matters and public participation.
Public facilities and places including protecting public land, activities on public land, control of vegetation, control of vehicles and boats, public swimming and selling goods and services.
Public libraries including conduct in a public library.
Outdoor advertising including outdoor advertising code and permits.
Offences under the By-laws.
Community consultation on the latest changes to City of Darwin’s By-laws is open from 18 November to 9 December 2022.
You can review the proposed new By-laws here and read ourinformation paper about the By-laws.
Consultation for Building Better By-laws 2022 is closed. Feedback is currently being considered by council.
City of Darwin intends to introduce new By-laws to replace the Darwin City Council By-laws 1994. The proposed new By-laws will modernise the existing By-laws ensuring they reflect the Council’s and residents’ current views and expectations.
A comprehensive community consultation process was undertaken in April of 2021. All feedback received was used to inform and develop the most recent draft of the proposed By-laws.
The proposed new By-laws will regulate:
Animal management including responsible ownership of dogs and cats, dangerous dogs, seizure and impounding of dogs and cats and prohibitions on keeping livestock and other animals within the Council area.
Health and safety including waste and recycling, fires and unsafe behaviour.
Council meetings including procedural matters and public participation.
Public facilities and places including protecting public land, activities on public land, control of vegetation, control of vehicles and boats, public swimming and selling goods and services.
Public libraries including conduct in a public library.
Outdoor advertising including outdoor advertising code and permits.
Offences under the By-laws.
Community consultation on the latest changes to City of Darwin’s By-laws is open from 18 November to 9 December 2022.
You can review the proposed new By-laws here and read ourinformation paper about the By-laws.