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Why is City of Darwin developing a Place and Liveability Plan?
City of Darwin is creating a plan that reflects the longer term aspirations of our community to make Darwin more liveable. This will capture the aspects of living in Darwin that are most important to community members and reflect what you tell us about living in your own neighbourhood/suburb.
The plan will help guide our future planned work across the City of Darwin.
City of Darwin already has strategies and plans that focus on different aspects of Darwin life, ranging from moveability, to climate, to playgrounds and smart city technologies however, there isn’t one plan that brings all of this together.
The Place and Liveability Plan will reflect which aspects of liveability are most important in our community, as we’ve heard from you.
Who is developing the Place and Liveability Plan?
City of Darwin has partnered with a local consultancy to create the plan but it will be primarily informed by you, as our community members. We are engaging with key stakeholders and community across the City of Darwin to make sure the plan reflects diverse views and aspirations.
How can I provide my input?
There is a program of engagement from June through to August where community members will have an opportunity to contribute. Visit the main project page for details or you can contact either or for further details.
We will be promoting the public events through our social media as details are confirmed.
How will my feedback be used?
Your feedback will shape the plan – we want something that reflects the people who live in our city and are seeking a diverse range of views to do achieve that. You can answer the survey or provide comments at one of the engagement events. Your insights will be considered by Council as part of developing the Place and Liveability Plan.
The input we receive during the engagement phase will also help inform any short-term trials we undertake to improve liveability during the project.
When will the plan be completed?
This project is expected to be complete in early 2025.