Why is this upgrade necessary?

    Sport Australia data shows Football is the most popular team sport in Australia in 2020*. The current facilities at Malak Oval are outdated for this growing club and community. City of Darwin and Football NT are proud supporters of creating safe and inclusive sporting environments, and this development will provide much-needed female-friendly facilities to support increased participation and enjoyment by women and girls.

    *Sport Australia AusPlay survey 2020  https://www.clearinghouseforsport.gov.au/research/ausplay

    How big will the facility be?

    Football NT has developed plans for stage 1 and stage 2 of the building. Stage 2 will be delivered when additional funds become available. 

    Stage 1: 46.1m x 10.2m – change room block, breezeway and canteen/office/store block. 

    Stage 2: 3.8m x 10.2m – addition of public toilet block to the end of the building.

    When is the construction likely to start?

    If approved by Council, several steps need to take place before construction can commence, including issuing of a building permit and a tender process to appoint a building contractor.  Construction of the facility is expected to take approximately 24 weeks from the appointment of a contractor.

    How will the construction impact use of the oval? Will sporting teams and the community still be able to use the oval while construction is happening?

    There will be some disruption to oval use during construction.  Once final construction plans and timeline are known, information will be provided to sporting groups and residents.

    What Sporting Club is based at Malak Oval?

    Malak Oval is home to Darwin Olympic Sporting Club. The club was founded in 1967 by Greek immigrants and has grown into a proud and successful multicultural football club. It has a strong, diverse and quickly growing junior base and works hard to be an asset to the Malak community. The club has strong links with the Darwin community, being part of many cultural and charity events, including the iconic Greek Glenti Festival.

    Can teams and groups aside from Football NT and its sports clubs use the facilities?

    Yes. The facility will be available for use for sporting and community groups outside of Football NT.

    Will you be putting in any additional parking?

    Parking is not part of the proposed upgrades. There is parking available for the facility at Malak Oval, on Darwent Street and Malak Crescent, and in the adjacent Malak Village.

    Will you be cutting down any trees?

    City of Darwin is committed to retaining the natural beauty of the Malak greenbelt and Malak Oval, and will ensure impact to trees is minimal.  The proposed location will not require the removal of trees.

    Who is paying for this upgrade?

    The proposal is part of Football NT’s planned upgrades at Bagot, Malak and Fannie Bay Ovals to support women and girls’ participation. Football NT has funding of $3,900,000 (ex GST) for these upgrades through an Australian Government Community Development Grant.

    Will this upgrade change how the sporting clubs use the oval? (i.e. will they use the facilities late into the night and disrupt those living around them?).

    There are no plans to change the oval or pavilion use with the introduction of these facilities. These upgrades are aimed to create a safe and inclusive environment for the sporting and Malak community.