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Lakeside Drive Upgrade
Consultation has concluded

Image: Stage one - yellow - of works. (download this map from the document library for printing/viewing)
Lakeside Drive is 50 years old (built in 1968) and needs reconstruction and resurfacing works .
Lakeside Drive has a high flow of traffic with approximately 6,000 vehicles utilizing daily. The road is accessed by a range of the public including: emergency services, residents/commuters, uni students/lecturers and public transport.
Through ongoing assessment it has been identified that the surface of the road and a portion of the underlying road base is in need of improvement. The project, jointly funded by City of Darwin and the Australian Governments Roads to Recovery Program, will involve removing and replacing the road pavement to a depth of approximately 50cm .
Further improvements to Lakeside will include upgrades to the pedestrian and bicycle crossing points which will enhance the roadway for all users.
Works on Stage One from Trower Road to Stasinowsky Street will commence on the 5 November 2018 with completion expected January 2019. Traffic management will be on site for the duration of the works with detours in place.
The works will be staged to allow for one lane to remain open to traffic.
This section (yellow) of road will be accessible only to vehicles travelling inbound (south) towards Trower Road.
Due to the scope of this project there will be unavoidable delays, and disruptions to driveway access at times.
NT transport advises passengers that due to road works, service that currebtly travel along Lakeside Drive will deviate via Alawa Crescent from Monday 5 November 2018. (see document library for maps)
Council will work with all directly affected residents and business owners who have properties on Lakeside Drive to discuss likely impacts and how we can minimize the inconvenience to you during these works.
For updates relating to this project please register your contact details through the register link.