Outdoor Advertising Signs Code

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Consultation has concluded

Any business advertising sign which can be seen from a public area is regulated by City of Darwin through the Outdoor Advertising Signs Code (Signs Code). The Signs Code regulates the number, type, location and size of advertising signs.

City of Darwin ran a consultation to assist with a review of the Signs Code. The review was presented to Council and the following Decision was endorsed;

  1. THAT Council largely retains the Outdoor Advertising Signs Code in its current form and endorses the following changes to the Signs Code:
    • Movable signs located on private property to be considered complying signage;
    • Sign sizes increased to align with the sizes detailed in the Northern Territory Planning Scheme; and
    • Sign controls for Zone SU be removed and replaced with a general statement, which will permit signage to be displayed, provided the signage is consistent with the specific land use as detailed in the Northern Territory Planning Scheme and Signs Code controls for that land use.
  2. THAT Council continue to enforce the Outdoor Advertising Signs Code based on complaint, public safety or unacceptable risk considerations.

The Outdoor Advertising Signs Code will be updated to reflect these changes. The consultation report can be found here

If you have any queries please contact:

Email: brian.sellers@darwin.nt.gov.au

Phone: Brian on 8930 0683

Any business advertising sign which can be seen from a public area is regulated by City of Darwin through the Outdoor Advertising Signs Code (Signs Code). The Signs Code regulates the number, type, location and size of advertising signs.

City of Darwin ran a consultation to assist with a review of the Signs Code. The review was presented to Council and the following Decision was endorsed;

  1. THAT Council largely retains the Outdoor Advertising Signs Code in its current form and endorses the following changes to the Signs Code:
    • Movable signs located on private property to be considered complying signage;
    • Sign sizes increased to align with the sizes detailed in the Northern Territory Planning Scheme; and
    • Sign controls for Zone SU be removed and replaced with a general statement, which will permit signage to be displayed, provided the signage is consistent with the specific land use as detailed in the Northern Territory Planning Scheme and Signs Code controls for that land use.
  2. THAT Council continue to enforce the Outdoor Advertising Signs Code based on complaint, public safety or unacceptable risk considerations.

The Outdoor Advertising Signs Code will be updated to reflect these changes. The consultation report can be found here

If you have any queries please contact:

Email: brian.sellers@darwin.nt.gov.au

Phone: Brian on 8930 0683

Discussions: All (4) Open (0)
  • Signs Code Requirements

    about 7 years ago
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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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    The Signs Code considers:

    ·  Where advertising signs can be located

    ·  Types of advertising signs permitted

    ·  Number, size, and height of advertising signs

    ·  Other characteristics of advertising signs considered important to control in the public interest.

    Any advertising sign proposed on private property in the Darwin municipality which exceeds the requirements of the Signs Code, requires an application to be submitted for Council’s consideration.

    Any advertising sign located on City of Darwin road reserve, or on City of Darwin land, requires an application to Council and a signs permit to be obtained.

    Any application for signage to be placed on a Northern Territory Government (NTG) road, requires NTG approval prior to City of Darwin assessing any sign application.

    We would like to know:

    • Do you have any concerns/issues with advertising signs in Darwin?
    • Do you think the current Signs Code requirements are adequate? If not, what would you like to see

  • Moveable Signs

    about 7 years ago
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    Moveable signs are self-supporting and intended to be displayed during business hours. Moveable signs include ‘sandwich boards’, ‘a-frame’ signs and are often placed on road reserves next to the business premises.

    Moveable signs are only allowed in commercial and industrial zones. Moveable signs are not permitted within The Mall (Smith St) for businesses that do not have direct frontage at ground level.

    We would like to know:

    • Do you have any concerns/issues with the current use of moveable signs in the Darwin municipality? If so, what are they and what would you like to see?
  • Third Party Advertising

    over 6 years ago
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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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    Advertising signs can only be placed on or next to the business premises to which it relates. Any sign not directly related to the premise it is on, or adjacent to, is referred to as ‘Third Party Advertising’.

    Third party advertising means advertising that provides information about:

    ·  Services and goods that are not produced, provided or sold on the premises; or

    ·  Businesses, events or activities not carried out or associated with the premises.

    Third Party Advertising is not permitted in Darwin. Therefore billboard advertising signs are prohibited within the Darwin municipality, for the following reasons:

    ·  They may affect the amenity and visual character of an area;

    ·  May cause conflict if placed too close to a competing business; and

    ·  May cause visual clutter

    We would like to know:

    Q  Are there any places where third party advertising signs might be appropriate? Please provide details such as the type of advertising or location.

  • Illumination

    over 6 years ago
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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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    Illuminated advertising signs can be either externally or internally illuminated and include animated signs such as variable message boards (VMB), Liquid-crystal display (LCD) and Light-emitting diode (LED) screens.

    Illuminated advertising signs are not allowed within residential zones. Animated signs are only allowed in commercial and industrial zones, provided that the advertising signs do not cause a distraction, nuisance to drivers, public or residents.

    All proposed permanently fixed animated advertising signs require Council approval. Animated advertising signs mounted on trailers (VMB) can only be used as traffic control devices and no other use is allowed.

    We would like to know:

    ·  Are there any types or locations of illuminated or animated signs that you have concerns with? 

    ·  Should City of Darwin restrict the use of illuminated or animated signs in Darwin? Why?


    The Signs Code administers advertising signs, not other sources of illumination, such as lighting on/from building, or residential units.